AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria are diseases of inequality, disproportionately impacting the poorest and most marginalized in society. Since its inception, the Global Fund has employed a human rights-based approach to fight AIDS, TB and malaria, making sure local communities are involved in all steps of decision-making. The Global Fund’s partnerships with civil society groups ensure that investments reach populations most in need while amplifying voices of society’s most stigmatized and vulnerable.
Breaking Down Barriers: The Global Fund’s Human Rights-Based Approach

Key populations are faced with both increased impact from the three diseases and decreased access to treatment and prevention services. Through programs like the Breaking Down Barriers Initiative, the Global Fund is working to remove obstacles to prevention and treatment for those excluded from accessing traditional health programs.
Equity and human rights are at the center of the Global Fund’s investments in AIDS, TB and malaria services. The Global Fund’s human rights-centered model is well-suited to respond to the challenges of COVID-19. Friends’ President and CEO Chris Collins and Chief Policy Officer Mark P. Lagon explain why human rights is an essential pillar of current and future pandemic response.
“To pave a path forward for effective pandemic preparedness it is essential to learn these two lessons from COVID-19: Respect for human rights can improve sustainable outcomes by making it possible to reach everyone in society. At the same time, health emergencies breed new threats to human rights that must be guarded against.”
-Chris Collins and Mark P. Lagon
In a blog published by the Council on Foreign Relations on global health and democracy, Chief Policy Officer Mark P. Lagon explains why the Global Fund is uniquely positioned to integrate civil society voices, human rights and transparency.
Working with Civil Society to Empower Communities
Civil society, which includes nongovernmental organizations and faith leaders, is a foundational partner of the Global Fund. The Global Fund’s deep experience engaging civil society makes it responsive to local needs of communities and implementing countries. Read our issue brief: Backing Civil Society to End the AIDS, TB and Malaria Epidemics to learn more about how civil society groups help communities through:
- Education and International Advocacy
- Local Expertise
- Fundraising
- Direct Health Aid
Faith leaders and faith-based organizations – civil society groups with religious affiliations – are uniquely positioned to serve as supportive voices of communities affected by AIDS, TB and malaria.
“Governments and the private sector have key roles in global health, but civil society is the oil in the engine. An engaged civil society drives progress.”
–Global Fund Executive Director Peter Sands