December 5, 2022
Former Senator Bill Frist (R- TN) and 200 members of the Faith-Based Coalition for the Global Fund sent a letter to the Chair and Ranking Member of the Senate and House Appropriations Committees and Subcommittees on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs to voice their support for an appropriations request of $2 billion for the Global Fund in FY23.
The letter states, “We ask that you please include in the enacted Fiscal Year 2023 funding package that which both the House and Senate bills call for: $2 billion for the Global Fund, as a remarkable, proven lifesaver. That $2 billion would save an added 2.3 million lives, stave off 51 million new infections or cases; provide 3.1 million people with antiretroviral therapy for HIV, test 37 million people for TB, and distribute anti-malaria nets to 153 million people.”
Click here to read the full letter, or click on the image below.