The Global Fund and U.S. Bilateral Programs are Interconnected for Greater Impact

America’s approach to improving global health is extremely effective, with perhaps no greater example than strategic U.S. investments to fight AIDS, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria. With bipartisan support, the public-private partnership of the Global Fund coordinate closely with U.S. bilateral programs, including the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI) and the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) TB program, to work toward ending the epidemics of AIDS, TB and malaria.

The Global Fund and PEPFAR

Established by President George W. Bush in 2003, PEPFAR works in partnership with the Global Fund to deliver lifesaving treatment and drive down the rate of new HIV infections.

“PEPFAR has saved millions of lives, but we have not done it alone … PEPFAR works with the Global Fund, to which [the United States is] the largest donor, to maximize our joint investments. The increased partnership between PEPFAR and the Global Fund improves the impact of our investments through more strategic use of resources to support programs that are impactful and sustainable.”
2017 PEPFAR report to Congress

Learn more about how the Global Fund teams with PEPFAR to support an efficient and country-driven response to the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

See where PEPFAR and the Global Fund work together.

The Global Fund and PMI

Launched in 2005 by President George W. Bush and expanded by President Barack Obama, PMI is a historic U.S. government effort to reduce malaria deaths and illness, toward the long-term goal of elimination. PMI has sought from the very beginning to complement the Global Fund. All 27 PMI focus countries receive substantial funding from the Global Fund, allowing PMI to strategically assess available resources, target support and fulfill unmet needs. Together, the U.S. government and the Global Fund provide three-quarters of all funding for global malaria programs and policies.

Read more about how the Global Fund collaborates with PMI on key malaria control interventions.

See where PMI works in countries receiving Global Fund grants.

The Global Fund and USAID’s TB Program

The Global Fund is the world’s largest funder of TB care and treatment. To maximize the impact of U.S. investments in TB, USAID provides technical assistance, leveraging the Global Fund’s resources in countries with the greatest disease burden.

USAID achieves results by strengthening national TB programs and improving the quality and reach of TB services. This is achieved through strategic efforts to identify and remedy programmatic challenges, as well as ensure that Global Fund investments are implemented for maximum benefit in tackling TB.

Read more about how the Global Fund works with USAID, private sector companies and other key partners to treat TB effectively.

See where the Global Fund and USAID’s TB programs work together.